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AR New York party!

Our party was a complete success! Thank you to all of you who came out to support our opening! There was a great turn out of people; friends, designers, vendors, press, artists, it was great. We were able to meet a lot of people who are involved in the fashion and art world out here in NY and there were many fans of Aloha Rag who came out to show their interest in our company and to wish us a congratulations.

We appreciate everyones support!

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Left to right: DJ Jade, Me with President, Tatsugo Yoda, Store interior designer Masa with friend, Me with Anne Koch and Christian Dettloff of Anne Koch set design.

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Left to right: President, Tatsugo Yoda and friends, Me with Jamez Hall of Steven Alan, Peter of Common Projects and friend, Obedient Sons/Daughters.

Below left to right: Libbie Hess of Estee Lauder (right) with friends, japanese visitors, friends Erik and Helya, Mordechai Rubinstein of Men's Vogue.

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